How do you create a REST API using Flask?

To create a REST API using Flask, you first need to install Flask using pip install flask and then import Flask, jsonify, and request to handle HTTP methods and JSON responses. A Flask app instance is created using app = python, and routes are defined to handle different operations. For example, a GET request can retrieve all users from a predefined list, while another GET request with an ID parameter fetches a specific user. A POST request allows adding a new user by receiving JSON input and appending it to the list, whereas a PUT request updates an existing user’s details, and a DELETE request removes a user based on their ID. These routes process client requests and return responses in JSON format using jsonify(). The API is run using, making it accessible at Testing can be done using tools like Postman, cURL, or Python’s requests library. For more advanced features, Flask can be extended with Flask-RESTful for structured API development, SQLAlchemy for database integration, and JWT authentication for secure access control, making it a powerful choice for building RESTful services.

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